About The LAMITIYE-2024
Context: Recently, the Indian Army contingent participated in the 10th edition of Joint Military Exercise “LAMITIYE-2024” with the Seychelles Defence Forces (SDF). Relevance: GS III: Security Challenges About LAMITIYE Name and Meaning: Objective: Activities: Significance: Seychelles
Current Affairs Quiz 20 March 2024

Current Affairs 20 March 2024

CONTENTS Forest Fires Context: For the past one week, forest fires have been raging in the Coonoor forest range in the Nilgiris in Tamil Nadu. Relevance: GS III: Environment Dimensions of the Article: About Forest Fires A forest fire is an uncontrolled fire that occurs in areas with a significant amount of combustible vegetation, such […]
PIB Summaries 20 March 2024

CONTENTS LAMITIYE-2024 Context: Recently, the Indian Army contingent participated in the 10th edition of Joint Military Exercise “LAMITIYE-2024” with the Seychelles Defence Forces (SDF). Relevance: GS III: Security Challenges About LAMITIYE Name and Meaning: Objective: Activities: Significance: Seychelles Exercise Tiger Triumph Context: Exercise Tiger Triumph is scheduled on the Eastern Seaboard from 18 to 31 March 2024. Relevance: GS […]
Static Quiz 20 March 2024 (Indian Economy)

Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 20 March 2024

CONTENTS Ties that Epitomise India’s Neighbourhood First Policy Context: Throughout history, people have marveled at the close relationship between Bhutan, a nation spanning 38,394 square kilometers with a population of 770,000, and its much larger neighbor, India, covering 3.28 million square kilometers with a population of 1.4 billion. The explanation for this enduring friendship is […]