CBI Manpower Shortage
Context: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is facing acute shortage of manpower that led to more than 1000s of cases pending. Relevance: GS-II: Polity and Constitution, Governance Dimensions of the Article: Lack of Manpower topples CBI: Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) CBI has following divisions Functions of CBI Challenges of CBI -Source: The Hindu, […]
Need To Restore WTO’s Authority
Context: Many countries have found an easy way to avoid complying with the WTO panel rulings making the body toothless. Relevance: GS III: Indian Economy Dimensions of the Article: WTO’s dispute settlement mechanism (DSM): World Trade Organization (WTO) Origin of WTO Functions of WTO Subsidies under WTO Amber Box Subsidies: Blue Box Subsidies: Green Box […]
Chief Source of Revenue for Panchayats
Context: The main source of revenue for panchayats come from the Centre and the states as grants. The Revenue from taxes form a negligible share. Relevance: GS-II: Polity and Governance (Constitutional Provisions, Government Policies and Interventions for Transparency and Good Governance) Dimensions of the Article: Key points: Overdependence on the centre and states for funds: […]
Static Quiz 05 February 2024 (Economy)

Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 05 February 2024

CONTENTS Balancing Climate Action with Economic Equity Context: The global law enforcement community has encountered a considerable challenge in addressing climate change. The increase in extreme events, driven by the warming of the Earth’s surface in both terrestrial and aquatic environments, commonly referred to as ‘Global Warming,’ has led to the emergence of extremism. The […]