Current Affairs 05 February 2024

Contents: Chief Source of Revenue for Panchayats Context: The main source of revenue for panchayats come from the Centre and the states as grants. The Revenue from taxes form a negligible share. Relevance: GS-II: Polity and Governance (Constitutional Provisions, Government Policies and Interventions for Transparency and Good Governance) Dimensions of the Article: Key points: Overdependence […]
Myanmar India’s Strategic Dilemma
Context: Concerned about the surge of refugees and insurgents due to the ongoing crisis, the Indian government has opted to secure the Myanmar border with fencing, discontinuing the free movement regime (FMR). Similar measures have been taken at the Bangladesh frontier, aiming to act as a deterrent and prevent the current issues from escalating. Relevance: […]
Balancing Climate Action with Economic Equity
Context: The global law enforcement community has encountered a considerable challenge in addressing climate change. The increase in extreme events, driven by the warming of the Earth’s surface in both terrestrial and aquatic environments, commonly referred to as ‘Global Warming,’ has led to the emergence of extremism. The warming of Earth’s water surface, responsible for 91% […]
About INS Sandhayak
Focus: GS Paper – 3: Defence Technology Why in News? INS Sandhayak, the first Survey Vessel Large (SVL) ship, was commissioned into the Indian Navy in the presence of Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh at the Naval Dockyard, Visakhapatnam on February 03, 2024. Key Points: Significance:
Woman Robot Astronaut Vyommitra
Focus: GS-3 Science and Technology Why in News? The Government has recently announced that the uncrewed “Vyommitra” Mission is scheduled for the third quarter of this year. However, a manned mission “Gaganyaan” is scheduled to be launched in 2025. About VyomMitra:
PIB Summaries 05 February 2024

Contents: Woman Robot Astronaut “Vyommitra” Focus: GS-3 Science and Technology Why in News? The Government has recently announced that the uncrewed “Vyommitra” Mission is scheduled for the third quarter of this year. However, a manned mission “Gaganyaan” is scheduled to be launched in 2025. About VyomMitra: About INS Sandhayak Focus: GS Paper – 3: Defence […]
Current Affairs Quiz 05 February 2024

About Dhanauri Wetland
Context: The eco-sensitive Dhanauri wetland site is yet to be granted protection. Relevance: GS III- Environment and Ecology Dimensions of the Article: About Dhanauri wetlands: What is a Ramsar Site? Ramsar Convention What are wetlands? -Source: The Indian Express, Hindustan times
World Cancer Day 2024
Context: World cancer Day is observed every year on 4th of February. Relevance: GS II: Health Dimensions of the Article: About Cancer Types of Tumors Causes of Cancer What is the incidence of cancer In India and world currently ? Steps to prevent cancer: Improvement in Cancer treatment -Source: All India Radio
About Ergosphere
Context: Ergosphere, a unique feature of rotating black holes, a region outside their outer event horizon. Relevance: GS II- Science and Technology Dimensions of the Article: About Ergosphere: Key terms: Black Hole: A black hole is formed when a really massive star runs out of fuel to fuse, blows up, leaving its core to implode […]