Current Affairs Quiz 31 October 2023

Current Affairs 31 October 2023

CONTENTS Cloud Seeding Study: A Ray of Hope for Drought-Stricken Regions Context: A recent study conducted by the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, and published in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, highlights the potential of cloud seeding to increase rainfall in water-scarce regions, providing a ray of hope for addressing drought conditions […]
The COVID19 Death Toll in India
Context: The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant and widespread impact on global public health in 2020 and 2021, resulting in a substantial loss of life. However, attributing deaths directly to COVID-19 was challenging, leading the international public health community to stress the importance of measuring the pandemic’s impact in terms of excess mortality. Relevance: GS2- Health Mains […]
Demonstrate Impartiality/ On the Office of the Speaker
Context: The Chief Justice of India recently stressed the need to adhere to the court’s orders and expressed concern for the court’s dignity. This disappointment stemmed from the Maharashtra Assembly Speaker’s inaction regarding disqualification petitions pending since July 2022. Relevance: GS2- Polity Mains Question: The Speaker, who serves as the presiding officer of the Lok […]
About The Exercise KAZIND-2023
Context: Recently, the Indian Army and Indian Air Force contingent, comprising 120 personnel, departed to take part in the Joint Military ‘Exercise KAZIND-2023’ which will be conducted at Otar, Kazakhstan, from October 30th to November 11th, 2023. Relevance: GS III: Security Challenges Dimensions of the Article: Exercise KAZIND-2023 Focus and Activities Significance
Toll Operate Transfer (TOT) Model
Context: The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) recently awarded two highway monetisation projects worth Rs 6,584 in the toll, operate, and transfer (TOT) mode. Relevance: Facts for Prelims Dimensions of the Article: Toll Operate Transfer (TOT) Model Authorization and Purpose Encouraging Private Participation Model Mechanics Utilization of Proceeds
PIB Summaries 31 October 2023

CONTENTS Toll Operate Transfer (TOT) Model Context: The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) recently awarded two highway monetisation projects worth Rs 6,584 in the toll, operate, and transfer (TOT) mode. Relevance: Facts for Prelims Dimensions of the Article: Toll Operate Transfer (TOT) Model Authorization and Purpose Encouraging Private Participation Model Mechanics Utilization of Proceeds […]
Static Quiz 31 October 2023 (Environment)

Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 31 October 2023

CONTENTS: Give up Impropriety, Demonstrate Impartiality/ On the Office of the Speaker Context: The Chief Justice of India recently stressed the need to adhere to the court’s orders and expressed concern for the court’s dignity. This disappointment stemmed from the Maharashtra Assembly Speaker’s inaction regarding disqualification petitions pending since July 2022. Relevance: GS2- Polity Mains […]