Current Affairs Quiz 28 October 2023

PIB Summaries 28 October 2023

CONTENTS Reference Fuels Context: Recently, the Union Minister of Petroleum & Natural Gas launched the ‘Reference Gasoline and Diesel Fuels’ produced by IndianOil for the first time in India. Relevance: GS III: Energy Dimensions of the Article: About Reference Fuels Purpose and Application: Varieties and Sources: Significance: Importance of Reference Fuels:
Current Affairs 28 October 2023

CONTENTS Surrogacy Law Context: The Supreme Court has protected the right of parenthood of a woman, suffering from a rare medical condition, by staying the operation of a law which threatened to wreck her hopes to become a mother through surrogacy. Relevance: GS II- Government policies and Interventions Dimensions of the Article: Recent Case and […]
Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 28 October 2023

CONTENTS: Women Can Make the World Better Context: Economic history has traditionally been portrayed from a male perspective, highlighting the roles and viewpoints of men. The most recent recipient of Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, Claudia Goldin, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2023 for her research on the gender wage gap, […]
Static Quiz 28 October 2023 (History)