Current Affairs Quiz 04 October 2023

PIB Summaries 04 October 2023

CONTENTS National Service Scheme Awards Context: Recently, the President of India presented the National Service Scheme Awards for the year 2021-2022 at Rashtrapati Bhavan. Relevance: GS II: Polity and Governance Dimensions of the Article: About National Service Scheme (NSS) Motto: The motto of National Service Scheme is NOT ME BUT YOU Benefits of Being a NSS […]
Current Affairs 04 October 2023

CONTENTS Mahatma Gandhi’s 154th Birth Anniversary Context: On October 2, 2023, India celebrated Mahatma Gandhi’s 154th birth anniversary, honoring his enduring principles and ideals that continue to inspire the nation. Relevance: GS I: History Dimensions of the Article: Mahatma Gandhi: A Brief Overview Early Life and Education: Champion of Nonviolent Resistance: Father of the Nation: […]
Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 04 October 2023

CONTENTS: Break the Agniveer Logjam with Nepal Context: Introduction of the Agnipath scheme without consulting Nepal has resulted in the reduction of Gorkha regiments in the army. Relevance: GS2- Government Policies and Interventions Mains Question: India unilaterally announced Agnipath scheme without consulting Nepal. What is the present status of implementation of the scheme and its […]
Static Quiz 04 October 2023 (Geography)