About The National Ayush Mission (NAM)
Focus: GS II: Government Policies and Interventions Why in News? Ministry of Ayush is organising a two days National Ayush Mission Conclave in New Delhi. About the National Ayush Mission: Mission Objective: Mandatory Components: Approval and Implementation: Resource Allocation Framework: AYUSH Services, Educational Institutions, and Quality Control of ASU & H Drugs: Medicinal Plants: Benefits
Current Affairs Quiz 19 May 2023

Current Affairs 19 May 2023

CONTENTS Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS) Context: Amendments have been made to the rules under the Foreign Exchange Management Act by the government to include international credit card transactions outside of India within the purview of the Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS). Relevance: GS III: Indian Economy Dimensions of the Article: Key Highlights: Existing Mechanism: Changes Made: […]
PIB Summaries 19 May 2023

CONTENTS National Ayush Mission (NAM) Focus: GS II: Government Policies and Interventions Why in News? Ministry of Ayush is organising a two days National Ayush Mission Conclave in New Delhi. About the National Ayush Mission: Mission Objective: Mandatory Components: Approval and Implementation: Resource Allocation Framework: AYUSH Services, Educational Institutions, and Quality Control of ASU & […]
Static Quiz 19 May 2023 (Environment)