Plastic Is Not The Issue; It Is Us
Context: For more than a century, plastic, a highly adaptable polymer, has played a crucial role in our daily lives.But the widespread use of plastic has seriously harmed the environment. When plastic waste is disposed of improperly, it pollutes the air, water, and land, having negative long-term effects. Relevance: GS Paper-3: Economic Development, Biodiversity, and Environment […]
An MP’s Disqualification After Conviction
Context Relevance GS Paper-2: Salient Features of the Representation of People’s Act Mains Question Defamation: What is it? What is the difference between criminal and civil defamation, in your opinion? (250 Words). Highlights The court granted Gandhi’s bail with a surety of Rs 15,000 and suspended the sentence for 30 days to give him time […]
About Depleted Uranium
Context: Just days after the British government said that it would provide Ukraine with armour-piercing rounds containing depleted uranium, Russian President announced plans to station tactical nuclear weapons in neighbouring Belarus. Relevance: GS III: Science and Technology Dimensions of the Article: Depleted Uranium Which countries have depleted uranium munitions? What are the risks of using […]
Olive Ridley Sea Turtles
Context: Seven Olive Ridley turtles were rescued by officers aboard Indian Coast Guard ship Vajra.4 Relevance: Prelims, GS-III: Environment and Ecology Dimensions of the Article: Olive Ridley Sea Turtle Breeding Grounds of the Olive Ridley Sea Turtle in India Threats to the Olive Ridley Sea Turtle Turtles and Turtle conservation in India -Source: The Hindu
About Nowruz
Context: Nowruz, also spelled as Navroz, is celebrated by the ethnic Iranian population every year in various parts of the world. The Parsi community in India, which follows Zoroastrianism, celebrated Nowruz on March 21, marking the beginning of the New Year. The festival symbolises freshness, rebirth and freedom, according to the community. Relevance: GS I: […]
International Monetary Fund
Context: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) last week confirmed a $3 billion bailout plan for Sri Lanka’s struggling economy. Relevance: GS III: Indian Economy Dimensions of the Article: Reasons for Nations Seeking an IMF Bailout Currency Crisis and its causes Domestic Economic Policies and Bad Luck How does the IMF help countries? About International Monetary […]
Biotransformation Technology
Context: A U.K.-based startup, based at Imperial College in London, claims to have developed a technology that could alter the state of plastics and make them biodegradable. The company calls the process “biotransformation”. Relevance: GS III: Environment and Ecology Dimensions of the Article: What is biotransformation technology? Why do we need it? Applications and Progress […]
About ADIP Scheme
Focus: Government policies and Interventions Why in News? Samajik Adhikarita Shivir’ for distribution of aids and assistive devices to ‘Divyangjan’ under the ADIP Scheme of the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India organized distribution camps across the country in 17 locations covering 9 States under for providing various types of aids and […]
About National Initiative for Promoting Upskilling of Nirman Workers
Focus: GS II- Government policies and Interventions Why in News? The National Initiative for Promoting Upskilling of Nirman workers (NIPUN) has recently completed its training program for construction workers engaged in the Central Vista project in New Delhi. About NIPUN: Objectives: DAY-NULM
Current Affairs Quiz 27 March 2023