Current Affairs 20 March 2023

CONTENTS Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Context: Recently, India mooted an action plan to mark 2023 as the year of tourism development in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) region at the tourism ministers’ conference in Varanasi. “India has assumed the SCO chairship for 2023. Relevance: GS II- International relations Dimensions of the Article: Conference in Varanasi Focuses on […]
PIB Summaries 20 March 2023

CONTENTS REACHOUT scheme Focus: GS II: Government Policies and Interventions Why in News? Recently, the Union Minister of Earth Sciences said that an umbrella scheme Research, Education and Training Outreach (REACHOUT) is being implemented by the Ministry of Earth Sciences for capacity building. About REACHOUT scheme The REACHOUT scheme is a program that aims to […]
Static Quiz 20 March 2023 (Indian Economy)