Current Affairs 11 February 2023

CONTENT Article 105 of Constitution Context: Protesting against the expunction of parts of his speech on the motion of thanks on the President’s Address, Leader of Opposition in Rajya Sabha and Congress president has argued that MPs have freedom of speech, and that he did not make any personal allegations in the House. Relevance: GS II: […]
Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 11 February 2023

Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 11 February 2023 Contents The Fine Print in the Indo-US Pact, iCET Context The latest agreement between India and the US, the iCET, is a follow-up to the declaration made by the two leaders during the third Quad Leaders’ Summit, which took place in May 2022. Relevance GS Paper-2: Effect of […]
PIB Summaries 11 February 2023

CONTENTS NAMASTE Scheme Focus: GS II- Government policies and Interventions Why in News? Union Budget 2023-2024 has allocated nearly Rs 100 crore for the National Action for Mechanized Sanitation Ecosystem (NAMASTE) and the government is looking to enable 100% mechanical desludging of septic tanks and sewers in all cities and towns. NAMASTE Scheme Five hundred cities (converging with AMRUT […]
Static Quiz 11 February 2023 (Polity)

English Language Skills Are An Integral Part Of The UPSC Examination

English language skills are an integral part of the UPSC examination, both for the written and oral sections. Whether you are a native speaker or not, it is important to have a strong grasp of the language in order to effectively communicate your ideas and answer questions. Improving your English for the UPSC […]