Current Affairs 18 January 2023

CONTENTS Anti-Microbial Resistance Context: Recently, a strand of antimicrobial-resistant gonorrhea outbreak has hit Kenya. Relevance: GS-III: Science and Technology Dimensions of the Article: What is Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)? What is Gonorrhea? Basis of Antimicrobial Resistance Multi drug resistance Concerns regarding Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) Concerns regarding AMR in India Way forward -Source: The Hindu Jallikattu Context: Jallikattu, an event […]
Understanding Constitutional Morality in India

Relevance : GS Paper 2, Indian Polity Introduction Background Constitutional Morality and the Indian Judiciary Constitutional Morality and the Indian Parliament Argument against the use of Constitutional Morality by the Indian Judiciary Argument in favor of the use of Constitutional Morality by the Indian Judiciary Conclusion
Static Quiz 18 January 2023 (Polity)