Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 14 December 2022

Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 14 December 2022 Contents Efficacy Of Female Leadership In Government Context The article emphasised the importance of overcoming inherent biases and perceptions about the effectiveness of women in leadership roles, as well as the need for increased female representation in policymaking. According to government data presented in the Lok Sabha recently, […]

Legacy IAS NOVEMBER 2022 PIB SUMMARIES – Monthly Compilation for UPSC Civil Services Exam (IAS Exam) will be extremely crucial for your UPSC preparation. The source, Press Information Bureau of India is indubitably the most important source of Current Affairs for any UPSC aspirant. In this Compilation you will find important PIB articles from […]
About Zika Virus Disease
Context: Following the detection of the first case of Zika virus in Karnataka, the State Health Department has intensified containment measures to prevent further spread of the vector-borne disease. Relevance: GS II- Health About Zika Virus Disease: -Source: The Hindu
Geminids Meteor Shower

Context: It is that time of the year when the universe puts up its easiest-to-view meteor shower, the Geminids. Relevance: GS I: Geography Dimensions of the Article: What causes meteor showers? What makes the Geminids unique? 3200 Phaethon: Why are they called Geminids? -Source: Indian Express
About Nuclear Fusion Reaction
Context: Scientists in the United States have, for the first time, achieved a net gain in energy from a nuclear fusion reaction, seen as a big step forward in the decades-old endeavour to master a technology that is considered the most dependable source of energy in future. Relevance: Prelims, GS-III: Science and Technology (Nuclear Technology) […]
Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant
Context: Critical component for Kudankulam nuclear reactor tested successfully. Relevance: GS-III: Industry and Infrastructure Dimensions of the Article: Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant Nuclear power by country Nuclear Power Plants in India India’s Nuclear Energy Program: Three-Stage Programme Stage one Second stage Third stage -Source: The Hindu
National Policy For Rare Diseases

Context: Recently, a Rajya Sabha Member of Parliament (MP) raised concerns over National Policy of Rare Diseases (NPRD) as it did not reach any patient with rare diseases even after several months since its introduction. Relevance: GS-II: Social Justice (Health related issues, Governance and Government Policies, Issues Arising Out of Design & Implementation of Policies) […]
What Is A Community Forest Resource?
Context: Over 15 years after the Forest Rights Act (FRA), 2006 came into effect, 13 tribal settlements from Pilloor and Palamalai forest areas in Coimbatore district were recently accorded Community Forest Rights (CFR) after the forest areas they dwell and collect minor produces from for generations were mapped using GPS-based land survey. Relevance: GS III- […]
About Ken-Betwa Link Project

Focus: GS III- Environment Why in News? Recently, Union Minister for Jal Shakti said Ken Betwa Link Project Would Be A Boon For Bundelkhand Region & Is Planned To Be Completed In 8 Years Interlinking of Rivers As of now, six ILR projects have been under examination of the authorities: What is the Ken-Betwa Link […]
Sri Aurobindo 150th Birth Anniversary
Focus: GS I- Modern History Why in News? Recently, the Indian Prime Minister has participated in a programme commemorating Sri Aurobindo’s 150th birth anniversary in Puducherry, under the aegis of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav. About Sri Aurobindo Indian Revolutionary Movement: Some of Aurobindo’s many literary works: