What is the East Asia Summit?
Context: Vice President addressed the East Asia Summit on the last day of his visit to Cambodia, as the three-day Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit concluded. Relevance: GS II: International Relations Dimensions of the Article: What is the East Asia Summit? What are the EAS’s links with India? -Source: Indian Express
Methane Alert and Response System
Context: Recently the United Nations (UN) has decided to set up a satellite-based monitoring system “MARS: Methane Alert and Response System” for tracking methane emissions and alerting governments and corporations to respond. Relevance: Facts for prelims Dimensions of the Article: About Methane Alert and Response System (MARS) Objectives Working of MARS -Source: Indian Express
Eklavya Model Residential Schools
Context The Narendra Modi-led government is pushing to set up 740 Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS) for tribal students — one each in every sub-district that has at least a 20,000-odd Scheduled Tribe population, which must be 50% of the total population in that area. Relevance: GS II- Government policies and Interventions Dimensions of the […]
Places of Worship Act
Context: The Supreme Court Monday gave the Central government more time to file an affidavit on the challenges to the Places of Worship Act of 1991. Relevance: GS I- Communalism, Secularism, Regionalism, GS II- Polity and Governance Dimensions of the Article: What is the Places of Worship Act? The long title describes it as “An […]
G-20 Nations Meet
Context: Recently, leaders of the G-20 nations will gather at Bali’s Nusa Dua resort for the 17th summit of the world’s most advanced economies. Relevance: GS II: International Relations Dimensions of the Article: Agenda for the 2022 summit The motto for this G-20 is Recover Together, Recover Stronger The Bali summit will have three key priorities. […]
Sea Vigil-22
Focus: GS III: Security challenges Why in News? The third edition of the ‘Pan-India’ Coastal Defence Exercise ‘Sea Vigil-22’ will be conducted on 15-16 Nov 22. About Sea Vigil-22 Aim:
About Atal Tinkering Lab
Focus: GS III- Science and Technology Why in News? In a first of its kind occurrence, around 1.5 lakh students from more than 5000 schools from India in the Atal Tinkering Labs programme of the Atal Innovation Mission, NITI Aayog took part in a unique mega tinkering activity on the occasion of Children’s da. About […]
NAAC Secret College Grade And Benchmark Scores
Context Relevance GS Paper 2: Social Justice, Education Mains Question “There are challenges in providing quality education to India’s children and youth.” In light of this statement, discuss the significance of new educational policy. (250 words) About National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) NAAC’s objectives are as follows What is the difference between assessment and […]
Russia – Ukraine War Persuasions and Negotiations
Context The article explains the risks of going beyond persuasion and exercising caution for India while attempting to bring Russia and Ukraine to the negotiating table to broker peace. Relevance GS Paper – 2: Bilateral Groupings & Agreements, Effect of Policies & Politics of Countries on India’s Interests Mains Question India, like any other country, […]
Current Affairs Quiz 15 November 2022