What Is The Carl-Gustaf M4?
Context: Swedish defense major SAAB announced plans to manufacture its Carl-Gustaf M4 weapon system in India. Relevance: GS III: Science and Technology Dimensions of the Article What is the Carl-Gustaf M4? Key features of Carl-Gustaf M4 What is the Carl-Gustaf M4? The Carl-Gustaf recoilless rifle is a man-portable, multi-role weapon system that allows dismounted soldiers […]
About White Fly
Context: Recently, there has been a rise in the number of white fly attacks on cotton in various states like Punjab and Rajasthan. Relevance: GS III: Agriculture Dimensions of the Article: About White Fly How does it spread? What are the challenges? About White Fly By eating on the underside of the leaf and dispersing […]
About Rohini RH-200
Context: The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is planning the 200th successful launch of the Rohini RH-200 sounding rocket in a row. Relevance: GS III: Science and Technology Dimensions of the Article: Details About RH-200 What are the Sounding Rockets? Details: The Rohini sounding rocket RH-200 has made 198 straight successful flights. World Space Week […]
India and UNSC
Context: Recently, External Affairs Minister said there is greater support for India to be a permanent member of the UN Security Council and also a broad global consensus over the need to reform the Council. Relevance: GS-III: Environment and Ecology, GS-II: International Relations Dimensions of the Article: United Nations Security Council Membership Functions and Powers […]
Centre Push For NavIC System
Context India is pressuring technology behemoths to make smartphones compatible with the country’s navigation system within the next few months. Relevance GS Paper 3: Achievements of Indians in science & technology; indigenization of technology and developing new technology Mains Question Bring to light various global navigation systems. Discuss the importance of promoting NavIC as a […]
India As A Trademark Destination
Context Recently, state tourism ministers convened in Dharamshala (Himachal Pradesh) for the first time to discuss, debate, and deliberate on modes and mechanisms for developing tourism in India. The three-day National Conference of State Tourism Ministers concluded with the creation of ‘The Dharamshala Declaration,’ which was co-created. Relevance GS Paper – 3: Growth & Development […]
Very Short Range Air Defence System (VSHORADS) Missile
Focus: GS III: Science and Technology Why in News? DRDO conducted two successful test flight of Very Short Range Air Defence System (VSHORADS) missile on 27 Sep 2022 from a ground based portable launcher at the Integrated Test Range, Chandipur, off the coast of Odisha. About VSHORADS: VSHORADS is a Man Portable Air Defence System […]
Rashtriya Poshan Maah
Focus: GS II- Health Why in News? During the ongoing Poshan Maah 2022, for anemia prevention and treatment in children, adolescent girls pregnant and lactating mothers, various activities such as T3 camps (test, treat, talk), IFA distribution, seminars, Ayush for anemia, webinars, quiz and recipe competition, traditional food practices, awareness rallies are being conducted throughout […]
Current Affairs Quiz 28 September 2022

Current Affairs 28 September 2022

CONTENTS India and UNSC Rohini RH-200 White Fly Carl-Gustaf M4 India and UNSC Context: Recently, External Affairs Minister said there is greater support for India to be a permanent member of the UN Security Council and also a broad global consensus over the need to reform the Council. Relevance: GS-III: Environment and Ecology, GS-II: International […]