Current Affairs Quiz 18 August 2022

The Most Polluted Cities In The World
Context According to the United States-based Health Effects Institute’s recent report titled Air Quality and Health in Cities, Delhi and Kolkata are the top two most polluted cities in terms of exposure to harmful fine particulate matter (PM2.5). The report looks at pollution and its effects on global health in over 7,000 cities around the […]
West Nile Virus
Context The West Nile virus was found in two people, one in Brooklyn and one in Queens, as well as a “record number” of infected mosquitoes throughout the city, according to the New York City Health Department. Relevance GS Paper 2: Health Mains Question Virus attacks are common in various parts of the world, but we […]
Modified Interest Subvention Scheme (MISS)
Context: The Union Cabinet has decided to restore the interest subvention on short-term agriculture loans to 1.5% for all financial institutions, including cooperative banks. Thus, Interest Subvention of 1.5% will be provided to lending institutions for the financial year 2022-23 to 2024-25 for lending short term agri-loans upto Rs 3 lakh to the farmers. Relevance: GS II: […]
Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme
Context: The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister has approved the enhancement in the limit of Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS) by Rs 50,000 crore from Rs. 4.5 Lakh crore to Rs. 5 Lakh crore, with the additional amount being earmarked exclusively for enterprises in hospitality and related sectors. The increase has been […]
New Elephant Reserve in Tamil Nadu
Context: Recently, the Government of India has announced the notification of one more Elephant Reserve (ER) Agasthiyamalai in Tamil Nadu during a programme in the Periyar Wildlife Sanctuary in Kerala. This will be the 32nd Elephant Reserve in the country after Singphan ER in Nagaland was notified in 2018. Agasthiyamalai is Tamil Nadu’s 5th Elephant Reserve and also a Bioshphere Reserve. Relevance: GS […]
Findings of the Hayabusa-2 Probe
Context: Recently, In an article published in the journal Nature Astronomy, scientists from Japan suggest that water and organic materials might have been brought to our planet from the outer edges of the solar system. The scientists made the hypothesis after analysing samples from the asteroid Ryugu, collected by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s (JAXA) […]
What is Arctic Amplification?

Context: Recently, Finnish Meteorological Institute researchers published their study in the Communications Earth & Environment journal, concluding that the Arctic is heating four times faster than the rest of the planet. The warming is more concentrated in the Eurasian part of the Arctic, where the Barents Sea north of Russia and Norway is warming at an alarming rate — […]
Current Affairs 18 August 2022

CONTENTS Arctic amplification Findings of the Hayabusa-2 probe New Elephant Reserve in Tamil Nadu Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Modified Interest Subvention Scheme (MISS) Arctic Amplification Context: Recently, Finnish Meteorological Institute researchers published their study in the Communications Earth & Environment journal, concluding that the Arctic is heating four times faster than the rest of the […]
Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 18 August 2022

Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 18 August 2022 Contents West Nile virus Delhi and Kolkata are the world’s most polluted cities West Nile Virus Context The West Nile virus was found in two people, one in Brooklyn and one in Queens, as well as a “record number” of infected mosquitoes throughout the city, according to the […]