Current Affairs Quiz 05 August 2022

Static Quiz 05 August 2022 (Art & Culture)

Family Courts (Amendment) Bill
Context The Rajya Sabha has approved the Family Courts (Amendment) Bill, which aims to provide statutory protection to family courts established in Himachal Pradesh and Nagaland. Relevance GS Paper – 2: Government Policies & Interventions, Judiciary Mains Question What exactly are family courts? How do they work? Are they a good alternative dispute resolution forum? […]
Should RBI limit Its Intervention In Currency Market?
Context According to the IMF’s recently published External Sector Report 2022, the RBI’s intervention in the currency market should be limited to addressing disorderly market conditions. External Sector Report, published annually since 2012, analyses global external developments and provides multilaterally consistent assessments of the world’s largest economies’ external positions. Relevance GS Paper – 3: Important […]
Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 05 August 2022

Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 05 August 2022 Contents Should RBI limit its intervention in currency market? Family Courts (Amendment) Bill Should RBI limit Its Intervention In Currency Market? Context According to the IMF’s recently published External Sector Report 2022, the RBI’s intervention in the currency market should be limited to addressing disorderly market conditions. External […]
Laser-Guided Anti-Tank Guided Missiles
Focus: GS III- Science and Technology (developments and their applications and effects in everyday life) Why in News? Indigenously developed Laser-Guided Anti-Tank Guided Missiles (ATGM) were successfully test-fired from Main Battle Tank (MBT) Arjun by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Indian Army. The all-indigenous Laser Guided ATGM employs a tandem High Explosive Anti-Tank […]
India–Mauritius CECPA

Focus: GS-II: International Relations Why in news? India and Mauritius held the 1st session of India-Mauritius High-Powered Joint Trade Committee on 01-03 August 2022 in New Delhi. Key Points: The High-Powered Joint Trade Committee had been constituted as per the mandate of the India-Mauritius Comprehensive Economic Cooperation and Partnership agreement (CECPA), to review the general functioning […]
Rare Earth Elements
Context: India is keen to join a global alliance to ensure the supply of rare earth elements Relevance: Geography (Distribution of Key Natural Resources, Mineral & Energy Resources), GS Paper-II: International Relations (India and its Neighborhood) Dimensions of the Article: Supply chain disruptions About Minerals Security Partnership (MSP) What are REMs? Strategic importance of REMs […]
CJI Ramana Recommends Justice Uday Umesh Lalit
Context: The Chief Justice of India, N V Ramana names Justice Uday Umesh Lalit, the second most senior judge of the Supreme Court, as his successor. CJI Ramana retires on August 26 following which Justice Lalit will take over as the 49th Chief Justice of India. He will remain in office till November 8, 2022. […]
1.5°C Warmer World To Be Catastrophic For India

Context: The latest analysis of IPCC data shows that 1.5°C warmer world can significantly impact temperature, rainfall patterns and other associated Climate risks in India’s states Relevance: GS-III: Environment and Ecology (Climate Change and its impact) Dimensions of the Article: Impact of Climate Change on India Causes of Climate Change About COP26 About Kyoto Protocol […]