Mission Vatsalya Scheme
Focus: GS II- Welfare Schemes Why in News? Ministry of Women and Child Development issued Guidelines for Mission Vatsalya Scheme. About Mission Vatsalya Scheme: Nodal: Ministry of Women & Child Development It is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme . “Mission Vatsalya” erstwhile Child Protection Services (CPS) Scheme, since 2009-10 for the welfare and rehabilitation of children. Mission Vatsalya […]
The 8th Meeting of BRICS
Focus: GS II- International Relations Why in News? The 8th Meeting of BRICS Communications Ministers was held in virtual mode yesterday under the presidency of China. What is BRICS? BRICS is the international grouping of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. This was set up as a move towards greater multipolarity; hence the spread […]
Focus: GS-II Social Justice, GS-III India Economy Why in News? The Minister for Housing and Urban Affairs, launches ‘SVANidhi Mahotsav’ – a cultural festival for celebrating the success of PM SVANidhi Scheme PM Street Vendor’s Atmanitbhar Nidhi (PM SVANidhi) PM SVANidhi is a Special Micro-Credit Facility. PM SVANidhi was launched by the Ministry of Housing […]
Sri Ramanujacharya

Focus: GS I- History Why in News? Union Home and Cooperation Minister unveiled the Statue of Peace of Swami Ramanujacharya in Srinagar in Jammu and Kashmir through video conferencing. About Ramanuja (c. 1017 – 1137 CE) Ramanuja, reformer and Vaishnavite saint was born at Sriperumbudur near modern Chennai. He preached Vishista Advaitavada (qualified monism). His philosophical foundations for devotionalism were […]
Bharat NCAP
Context: Recently, the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways approved the draft GSR notification to introduce Bharat NCAP (New Car Assessment Program). Bharat NCAP (New Car Assessment Program) will be rolled out from April 1, 2023. Relevance: GS II- Governance Dimensions of the Article: About Bharat NCAP Feature Significance About Bharat NCAP It is a new car […]
What is a Derecho?

Context: Recently, States of Nebraska, Minnesota and Illinois in the US were hit by a storm system called a derecho. Relevance: GS I- Geography Dimensions of the Article: What is a derecho? Why did the sky turn green during the derecho that hit US recently? Are there different types of derechos? Where do derechos usually […]
Current Affairs Quiz 08 July 2022

Direct Seeding of Rice
Context: Recently, the state of Punjab was unable to achieve its target in the water-saving method (direct-seeded rice). Relevance: GS III- Agriculture Dimensions of the Article: What is DSR? How much water can DSR help save? Advantages of DSR tech Disadvantages of DSR tech What is DSR? Direct Seeding of Rice (DRS): Direct Seeded Rice(DSR), also […]
Sub-Categorisation of OBCs

Context: Recently, the Centre extended the tenure of The Commission to Examine Sub-categorisation of Other Backward Classes (OBCs) headed by Justice G Rohini, former Chief Justice of Delhi High Court. The Commission, constituted nearly five years ago, has got 10 extensions so far, and now has until January 31 next year to submit its report. […]
Exit of Foreign Portfolio Investors
Context: June 2022 witnessed the worst Exit of Foreign Portfolio Investor (FPI) selloff since March 2020 when India announced a nationwide lockdown at Rs. 50,000 crore. June was also the ninth on the trot that FPIs had sold net of their assets i.e. sold more than they had purchased. Relevance: GS III- Indian Economy (Capital […]