Current Affairs Quiz 09 May 2022

A New Track For Capital Punishment Jurisprudence
Context A recent trend in the evolution of jurisprudence around the death penalty in India may reset judicial thinking around sentencing and have long-term ramifications in the awarding of capital punishment. Relevance GS-II: Important Aspects of Governance, Transparency and Accountability, E-governance- applications, models, successes, limitations, and potential; Citizens Charters, Transparency & Accountability and institutional and other measures. […]
How To Tackle Food Inflation – and How Not To
Context Recently, the RBI raised the repo rate by 40 basis points (bps) and the cash reserve ratio (CRR) by 50 bps with a view to tame inflation. Relevance GS-III: Issues related to Direct and Indirect Farm Subsidies and Minimum Support Prices; Public Distribution System – Objectives, Functioning, Limitations, Revamping; Issues of Buffer Stocks and […]
Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 09 May 2022

Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 09 May 2022 Contents How to tackle food inflation – and how not to A new track for Capital Punishment Jurisprudence How To Tackle Food Inflation – and How Not To Context Recently, the RBI raised the repo rate by 40 basis points (bps) and the cash reserve ratio (CRR) by […]
What Is Virtual Private Network ?
Context: Virtual private network (VPN) service providers are up in arms against a new directive of The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team or Cert-In, a wing of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, that mandates they must maintain all customer data for five years. VPN service providers have said the new directive would mean […]
Harappan Site Rakhigarhi
Context: DNA samples collected from two human skeletons unearthed at a necropolis of a Harappan-era city site in Rakhigarhi, Haryana have been sent for scientific examination. DNA analysis might tell about the ancestry and food habits of people who lived in the Rakhigarhi region thousands of years ago. Relevance: GS I- Ancient History Dimensions of […]
La Nina And El Niño
Context: This year the La Nina is being blamed for worsening the longest spell of heatwaves from March to April in north, west and Central India. In most years, meteorologists considered the La Nina to be a friend of India. Relevance: GS-I: Geography (Climatology, Important Geophysical Phenomena), GS-III: Environment and Ecology (Environmental Pollution and Degradation, […]
Value of MPs’ Vote for President Poll
Context: The value of the vote of an MP in the presidential polls to be held in July is likely to go down to 700 from 708 due to the absence of a Legislative Assembly in Jammu and Kashmir. Relevance: GS II- Polity and Governance Dimensions of the Article: How is the President elected? Qualifications […]
Monkey Pox Virus
Context: Health authorities in the United Kingdom have confirmed a case of monkeypox, a rare viral infection similar to smallpox, in an individual who recently travelled to that country from Nigeria. Relevance: GS II- Health Dimensions of the Article: About Monkeypox virus Zoonotic disease Symptoms and treatment Occurrence of disease About Monkeypox virus The monkeypox […]
Current Affairs 09 May 2022

CONTENTS Virtual private network Monkeypox Harappan site Rakhigarhi La Nina Value of MPs’ vote for President Poll to go down Virtual Private Network Context: Virtual private network (VPN) service providers are up in arms against a new directive of The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team or Cert-In, a wing of the Ministry of Electronics and […]