Current Affairs Quiz 07 May 2022

PIB Summaries 07 May 2022

CONTENTS PM MITRA PRADHAN MANTRI GARIB KALYAN ANNA YOJANA PM MITRA Focus: GS II- Government Policies and Interventions Why in News? A National Conference on PM Mega Integrated Textile Regions and Apparel Park(PM MITRA) Parks Scheme was organized by Ministry of Textiles on 4th May, 2022. About MITRA parks In a move to make the […]
The Challenge for Middle Powers like India, France and Germany
Context Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to European capitals should help both sides acquire a better understanding of each other’s security concerns. Whether it will fundamentally alter equations remains to be seen. Relevance GS-II: Effect of Policies and Politics of Developed and Developing Countries on India’s interests, Indian Diaspora. Dimensions of the Article New India-EU […]
Let’s Make GST a Good and Simple Tax
Context The GST has been a remarkable achievement and a unique experiment in cooperative federalism. In this, both the Union and the state governments gave up their tax autonomy in favour of harmonising domestic trade taxes. Relevance GS-III: Indian Economy and issues relating to Planning, Mobilization of Resources, Growth, Development and Employment. Dimensions of the Article Multiple […]
Absence of Roe v Wade Won’t Just Impact the US
Context The leak of an initial draft majority opinion of the US Supreme Court voting to overturn the decision in Roe v Wade has sent shockwaves across liberal and conservative quarters alike, globally. Relevance GS-II: Indian Constitution—Historical Underpinnings, Evolution, Features, Amendments, Significant Provisions and Basic Structure. Dimensions of the Article Background of the Roe v Wade Case […]
ISRO’s Goal For Venus Mission
Context: India’s Venus mission has been conceived. The project report for ‘Shukrayaan-I’ – the name given to ISRO’s Venus mission, is ready and the budget has also been identified for it. Relevance: GS-III: Science and Technology (Space Technology and advancements in Space Technology) Dimensions of the Article: About Venus Observations and explorations of Venus About Shukrayaan- […]
Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 07 May 2022

Editorials/Opinions Analysis For UPSC 07 May 2022 Contents Absence of Roe v Wade won’t just impact the US Let’s make GST a good and simple tax The challenge for Middle Powers like India, France and Germany Absence of Roe v Wade Won’t Just Impact the US Context The leak of an initial draft majority opinion […]
Direct Seeding of Rice
Context: The Punjab government recently announced Rs 1,500 incentive per acre for farmers opting for Direct Seeding of Rice (DSR), which is known for saving water. Relevance: GS III- Agriculture Dimensions of the Article: What is DSR? How much water can DSR help save? Advantages of DSR tech Disadvantages of DSR tech What is DSR? […]
Purchasing Managers Index
Context: According to the S&P Global India Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI), new orders and output in India’s manufacturing sector increased slightly in April 2022, rising to 54.7 from 54 in March 2022. Relevance: GS-III: Indian Economy (Growth and Development of Indian Economy, Mobilization of Resources) Dimensions of the Article: What is Purchasing Managers’ Index […]
National Family Health Survey (NFHS) 5 Part: II
Context: The Total Fertility Rate (TFR), the average number of children per woman, has further declined from 2.2 to 2.0 at the national level between National Family Health Survey (NFHS) 4 and 5. Relevance: GS-II: Social Justice and Governance (Issues related to Health, Government Policies and Interventions) Dimensions of the Article: About National Family Health Survey […]