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29th June – Editorials/Opinions Analyses

Contents Absolute level of GDP over Growth Rates Lockdown: Harmful ozone levels increased The Mapillah uprising ABSOLUTE LEVEL OF GDP OVER GROWTH RATES Focus: GS-III Indian Express Introduction The GDP or Gross Domestic Product is nothing but the market value of all goods and services produced in an economy. According to IMF and S&P Global […]

29th June Current Affairs

Contents Gynandromorphism in dragonflies Indian reservoirs brimming as monsoon advances New rules to regulate exotic animal trade unveiled Russia to speed up defence deals GYNANDROMORPHISM IN DRAGONFLIES Focus: GS-III Science and Technology Why in news? Gyanandromorphism — a very rare biological phenomenon, was observed in Dragonflies at Kole wetlands. Details The Scarlet Skimmer (Crocothemis servilia) […]

28th June Current Affairs

Contents India’s locust control wing is oldest in world Sri Lanka turns to China to help with Debt Coronavirus infection might trigger type-1 diabetes TB during COVID-19 When the Indian Ocean’s ancient climate patterns return INDIA’S LOCUST CONTROL WING IS OLDEST IN WORLD Focus: GS-III Environment and Ecology, Disaster Management Why in news? Columns of […]

Comparison of Indian Constitution with British constitution for UPSC Exam

FEATURE BRITISH INDIAN Nature Unwritten Written Constitution and lengthiest Amendability Flexible and can be amended by 50% of the members present and voting Hybrid of Rigid and flexible DPSP and Duties Absent Present Origin Seen evolutionary development and not formed by a constituent assembly Was formed by constituent assembly Federalism Unitary in character – All […]

PIB 28th June

Contents Statistics Day and SDGs STATISTICS DAY AND SDGs Focus: GS-II Social Justice, Prelims Why in news? The Government of India has been celebrating the Statistics Day on the birth anniversary of Prof. P C Mahalanobis, on 29thJune, in recognition of his invaluable contribution in establishing the National Statistical System. Statistics Day, 2020 The Statistics […]

PIB 27th June

Contents Sankalp Parva Banking Regulation (Amendment) Ordinance, 2020 SANKALP PARVA Focus: GS-III Environment and Ecology Why in news? Prime Minister of India has called for planting at least five trees either in Office campus or wherever it is possible, to ensure clean and healthy environment of the country. Details Union Ministry of Culture has decided […]