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200th Birth Anniversary of Shri Ramalinga Swamy


India celebrated the 200th birth anniversary of Shri Ramalinga Swamy, also known as Vallalar, on 5th October, 2023.


GS I: History

Dimensions of the Article:

  1. Key Contributions of Shri Ramalinga Swamy
  2. Philosophical Beliefs and Teachings

Key Contributions of Shri Ramalinga Swamy:

  • Shri Ramalinga Swamy was a prominent Tamil poet in the 19th century and a member of the “gnana siddhars” lineage.
  • He was born in the village of Marudhur in Tamil Nadu.
Vision of Social Reforms:
  • Vallalar’s vision transcends religious, caste, and creed barriers, recognizing divinity in every atom of the universe.
  • He strongly opposed the caste system and initiated the ‘Samarasa Vedha Sanmarga Sangam’ in 1865, later renamed ‘Samarasa Suddha Sanmarga Sathya Sangam.’
  • He established ‘The Sathya Dharma Salai,’ a free food facility in Vadalur, Tamil Nadu in 1867, serving all people without caste distinctions.
  • In January 1872, Vallalar opened the ‘Sathya Gnana Sabha’ (Hall of True Knowledge) in Vadalur.

Philosophical Beliefs and Teachings:

  • One of Vallalar’s primary teachings was “Service to Living Beings is the path of Liberation/Moksha.”
  • According to Suddha Sanmarga, the prime aspects of human life should be love, connected with charity and divine practice, leading to pure knowledge.
  • Vallalar believed that the intelligence possessed by humans is illusory (Maya) intelligence and not accurate or final.
  • He emphasized “Jeeva Karunyam” (Compassion for living beings) as the path of final intelligence.
  • He forbade killing animals for the sake of food and advocated feeding the poor as the highest form of worship.
  • He also believed that God in the form of Grace is the personification of Mercy and Knowledge, with Mercy being a path to God.

March 2025