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Current Affairs 13 December 2019 for UPSC Exam


  1. CAG report on PMUY
  2. Bougainville Referendum
  3. Jalshakti Abhiyan


Why in news?

‘Performance Audit of Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana’ is done by CAG recently.

What is performance audit?

The main objective of performance audit is to constructively promote economical, effective and efficient governance. It also contributes to accountability and transparency. Performance audit promotes accountability by assisting those charged with governance and oversight responsibilities to improve performance through an examination of whether:

a) decisions by the legislature or the executive are efficiently and effectively prepared and implemented and

b) tax payers or citizens have received value for money.

into thin air? 
audit found that 
in 3.43 lakh instances 
LPG distributors had 
issued 2 to 20 refills 
in a day to a single 
Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala 
Yojana beneficiary 
having a single cylinder 
connection. Table lists 
customers who ordered 
more than one refill in 
a single day and the 
number of such 
Daily refills 
6 - 13 
14 20 
• At least 2.98 lakh customers have 
applied for more than one refill a day in 
3.43 lakh instances 
• As a domestic connection won't need so 
many refills, the CAC suspects that they 
are being diverted for commercial use 
(such as in restaurants)

What was found?

  • Lacunae in the monitoring system.
  • Errors in identification
  • Misappropriation of funds in government schemes
  • issuance of connections to unintended beneficiaries
  • problems with the software of the state run oil marketing companies for identifying intended beneficiaries and inadequacies in the de-duplication process
  • departure from safety norms by the LPG distributors
  • Diversion of domestic cylinders for commercial use

About Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana:

Image result for Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana


  • Under this scheme, 5 crore connections are to be provided to the people needing them.
  • BPL families will be offered a support of Rs.1600 per connection. This is for the cylinder, booklet, pressure regulator, safety hose, etc. and will be borne by the government itself.
  • Apart from these, the scheme also provides interest-free loans to buy stove and refill by oil marketing companies.
  • The connections would be given in the name of women of the households.
  • An initial outlay of Rs.8000 crore was sanctioned for the implementation of the scheme.
  • The authorities would identify BPL families based on the Socio Economic Caste Census data.
  • The scheme is also expected to create employment to the tune of about a lakh. It will also boost the ‘Make in India’ programme for manufacturers of gas cylinders, stoves, gas hose and regulators. Only domestic manufacturers are engaged in this.

Extra Coverage:

Pradhan Mantri LPG Panchayat scheme is a nation-wide scheme launched by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural gas designed to distribute LPG connections to the rural households where conventional fuel is used for domestic purposes and to give a boost to the existing Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY). LPG Panchayat is a backup scheme to the existing PMUY.

Ministry involved: Ministry of Petroleum and Natural gas


With overwhelming vote for independence in ­the country, it has declared independence from Papua New Guinea (PNG)

t must be a hectic time 
for those that track the 
birth of nations. After the 
reported Hindu homeland of 
Kailasaa conceved by fugitive 
swami Nithyananda comes 
news of another new country 
on the glotnl map. And this 
one's more red, even though 
Bougainville does have some 
way to go before celebrating 
actual independence from 
Papua New Guinea Around the 
world, there are several cases 
of communities and regions 
looking to attain 
statehood, Catalonia and 
Kurdistan being prominent 
examples. But how does a 
country become known and 
recognised as such? 
South Pacific Island Chain With 
Huge Miræral Wealth And A 
It is control of 
Bougainville's Panguna 
mine, which in 1970s 
confrbLted nearly 
half of Papua New' 
Guinea (PNG)S export 
income through gold 
and copper mining, 
that triggered a bludy 
civil war bed.veen 
islanders who felt 
they were derived 
of a fair glare ot tha 
wealth and ENG forces 
that finally to the 
referendum 2019, in 
which of 180,000 
voters choæ freedom 
from P NG 
The civil war, which killed 
2L000 people, ended in 
1998. As gnrt of the peæe 
accord, Bougainville 
was in2001 promised a 
referendum within 20 years 
Solomon Sea 
Population: u,mo 
Area: 8.90 sq. kn 
Main city: Buka 
GDP per Sl,100 
Bougainville nam«f for 
French explorer L0Lis-Antoine 
de Bougainville, afte whcrn the 
flowering vine Bougainvillea 
(with he extra i') is also named
WBut R<erendum Doesnt Mean It 
Beconæs A New Country Instantly 
—And Not All EM In A Nev 
Country Being Born 
Referendum Yr 
That's tkcause the referendum 
result is non-binding. This 
means Papua New Guinea and 
Bougainville WII have to engage 
in negotiations for seccession. 
The final call on whether 
Bougainville can break away 
rsts with PNGparliament 
PNG rmy not mind 
d long-drawn out 
talks process given 
possible concern 
that 30ugainville's 
secession would set 
a p recedent for other 
New Country 
Indeed, experts say Bougainville could become an 
inspiraticn for other independence movements in the Pacific, 
from Papua, seeking to secede from Indonesia, to 
New Cabdonia which will hold a referendum nextyear on 
treaking away from France 
How A County mme Be 
It's Neither SinuNe, Nor Easy 
Comoros (3 B.) V 1974 
Aruba 1m 
M)nenewo D IA 
Quebec, Bermuda is 
Nevis Is 
Scotlm d, Sint Eustasius 2014 
South of Brail 
Sanwa, Jamaica 
Rhodsiu Malta 
Comoros (1 Is.) 
St Vincent & the Grenadines 
Armei a, , 
Cuba, Gergia, 
B)snia & 
East T inor 
South Sudan 
For all practical purposs, 
in the 20th century, the idea 
that underpins a nation is 
that of "self-determ ination". 
It is even enshrined as a 
right in he UN Charter of 
Butsincea nation state 
has to exist physically and 
not just as an idea, some of 
its key components have to 
a people, a territory and 
a governnmt 
So, when the idea of self- 
ination has a people, 
a territory and a provisional 
government to back it 
conditions are created for a 
nation state to itself 
to the world 
And herp comes another 
key factor: recvlition 
other countrie, or 
recognitim by the Unit«i 
Nations. There are quite a 
fewterritories world over 
recognitim, Kosovo and 
m,van being prmlinent 
Also, whning 
independence means 
redrawing he map of a 
country, sonething that 
prima facie cm violate 
laws of territorial integriy 
and generally makes he 
international community 
reluctant to extend support 
We: are Of held, mt Of 'PW COLTtry TYE EEt mor 
Weas held in the in m 02 
World's Newest Countrks 
south Sudan 
East Timor 
Czech Rep. 
July 9, 2011 (Date Forrned) 
Feb 17,2m8 
May 20, 2n 
Oct 1, 1994 
Apil n, 193 
Jan 1.1993 
Jan 1,199 
Total nun%er 
of countries 
(193 UN members and 
FAO non-mem bers). 
This is excluding 


WBut R<erendum class=

Why in news?

A mass movement by indian government for the protection of water resources.

Government created Jal shakti ministry, combining Ministry of water resources and Ganga rejuvination and Ministry of drinking water and sanitation.

Mapping the aquifers, ground water recharge – providing clean drinking water to all the households by 2022.

About it:

The Jal Shakti Abhiyan is a campaign for water conservation and water security in the country.

  • It is a collaborative effort of various ministries of the Government of India and state governments, being coordinated by the Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation (DDWS) that comes under the Jal Shakti Ministry.
  • The focus of the campaign is on water stressed districts and blocks. The teams of officers from the central government will visit and work with district administration in 1592 water stressed blocks in 256 districts, to ensure five important water conservation interventions.

The five important water conservation interventions are :

  • Water conservation and rainwater harvesting,
  • Renovation of traditional and other water bodies/tanks,
  • Reuse of water and recharging of structures,
  • Watershed development and
  • Intensive afforestation.
  • The water conservation interventions will also be supplemented with special interventions including the development of block and district water conservation plans, promotion of efficient water use for irrigation and better choice of crops through Krishi Vigyan Kendras.

Extra Coverage

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